We would like to inform you of the following upcoming changes in our XML and CSV files.
Please note that the below correction is planned to be in Production on 23/11/2021.
- CURRENT Situation:
Portfolio extract in MyQuintet Pro:
- Definition of the column content in G2:
Cost Price (in QC) (over holding period)
CPQC includes gains/losses realized on the sale of part of a position.
A sale made at a price in excess of the purchase price results in a lower cost price for the remaining position. Inversely, a sale made at a price lower than the purchase price results in a higher cost price for the remaining position.
By selling the balance of a position at a price equal to the CPQC, the return on the investment will show neither a realized gain nor loss.
If the balance of the position is sold at a price higher than the CPQC, the investment will generate a profit (in the quotation currency) equal to the difference between the sale price and the CPQC, multiplied by the number of securities sold.
The inverse applies if the balance of the position is sold at a price lower than the CPQC.
All these figures are calculated in the quotation currency so there is no exchange rate effect.
CPQC= TCPQC/number of securities in the position
When a partial sale is made, the securities sold are exited at their actual sale price.
- The data in the above red frame currently populates the XML field PRMP at this level
- Situation AFTER 23.11.2021:
Portfolio extract in MyQuintet Pro:
- Definition of the column content in G2:
Purchase Price (in QC) (over holding period)
PPQC is the average purchase price of a security in the position’s quotation currency.
PPQC = TPCQC/Number of securities in the position
TPCQC is the average purchase cost in the security's quotation currency.
- The data in the GREEN frame will populate the XML field PRMP at this level:
SCOPE : CSV FILES – SOLCPTTIT- Column Name “Weighted Average Cost”
Please note that the below correction is planned to be in Production on 23/11/2021.
As for XML files, the same change will be applied to CSV files. The column WAC will be populated with data related to Purchase Price in Quotation currency over Holding Period.
See below an example of the file: